New H-1B Registration Rules Discourage "Bad Actors"

Statistics from Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 H-1B registration have been released by USCIS H-1B Electronic Registration Process | USCIS

(H-1B Electronic Registration Process)

  • The number of unique beneficiaries this year for FY 2025 (approximately 442,000) was comparable to the number last year for FY 2024 (approximately 446,000).
  • The number of unique employers this year for FY 2025 (approximately 52,700) was also comparable to the number last year for FY 2024 (approximately 52,000).
  • However, the number of eligible registrations, was down dramatically for FY 2025 (470,342) compared with FY 2024 (758,994) - a 38.6% reduction.
  • The new rules discouraged "bad actors" from submitting multiple registrations.

Bloomberg Law reports Duplicate H-1B Registrations Plummet in Wake of Lottery Overhaul 

(Duplicate H-1B Registrations Plummet in Wake of Lottery Overhaul)

USCIS regulations finalized in January 2024 based lottery selections on each individual beneficiary, rather than the number of registrations submitted on their behalf. Only employers with selected registrations can move forward with filing visa petitions.

USCIS said last year that a spike in duplicate submissions reflected some companies' attempts to game the lottery system by colluding to file multiple registrations for single workers. While beneficiaries can have multiple registrations made on their behalf by employers, they must reflect legitimate job offers.

The revamped process offered hope to employers that they would have better prospects of landing one of the 85,000 new slots available each year for the visas. Roughly 47,000 eligible registrations were submitted this year for foreign workers with multiple registrations filed on their behalf, compared to more than 408,000 in 2023.

The United States economy greatly benefits from immigration at all skill levels. By USCIS improving the integrity of H-1B registration, employers should be able to rely upon hiring immigrant workers more readily for skilled roles that might otherwise go unfilled or potentially moved overseas.

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Suite 100,
Houston, Texas 77034